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Service - 11. Destination - Padstow, Station Ro. Departure time - 27 mins. Departure 1 of 4. Scheduled. Follow the link for a list of stops this journey stops at.
11Padstow, Station Ro27 mins -
Service - 11. Destination - Padstow, Station Ro. Departure time - 31 mins. Departure 2 of 4. Live.
11Padstow, Station Ro31 mins -
Service - 11. Destination - Padstow, Station Ro. Departure time - 21:59. Departure 3 of 4. Scheduled. Follow the link for a list of stops this journey stops at.
11Padstow, Station Ro21:59 -
Service - 11. Destination - Padstow, Station Ro. Departure time - 21:59. Departure 4 of 4. Live.
11Padstow, Station Ro21:59